Mt Washington Hotel at Bretton Woods, NH - Bridge repair project

We have extensive experience working with clients to meet the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966. Section 106 requires that Federally-sanctioned or permitted projects take into account the impact they might have on historic properties listing on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Project examples include transportation enhancements, housing projects, wireless facility installations, wind farms, utilities and other federally or state-funded or licensed projects.

Whether you need cultural resource identification, documentation, development of mitigation measures and/or memoranda of agreement documents, we will work with involved agencies and consulting parties to ensure smooth compliance with a minimum of cost and delay.

Rockingham Park - Salem, NH

Rockingham Park – Salem, NH

Families in Transition Manchester, NH

Families in Transition Manchester, NH

Research & Development Building Berlin, NH

Research & Development Building
Berlin, NH

NeighborWorks Greater Manchester Goffstown, NH

NeighborWorks Greater Manchester Goffstown, NH